The Jan Warburton Charitable Trust was established to support contemporary art in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The JWCT is the major sponsor of Gasworks New Zealand Artist Residency - an annual opportunity for an early/mid-career New Zealand artist to undertake a fully-funded residency at Gasworks in London. Recent recipients of the Gasworks Residency include Sriwhana Spong, Katrina Beekhuis, Hikalu Clarke, and Christina Pataialii.
Further to Gasworks, we have a small fund for artist's projects. We support a range of activity, but we particularly like supporting late-emerging and early mid-career artists to produce ambitious work, or participate in projects that add to the vibrancy and diversity of New Zealand's art ecology. Applications can be made online here.
Jan Warburton
Andrea Warburton
Fiona Warburton
Clare Warburton
James Reid
Sarah Hopkinson